What to Know About Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are a great way to add length and volume to your natural fine hair. You can also use hair extensions to play around with different hair styles. 

Maintenance is only required about every 4-7 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows. Hair extensions should feel just like your natural hair. The hair can last up to 9 months with proper care and will not damage your hair. While you can treat as your natural hair, do ensure that the hair is mostly dry before any heat styling. 

While there are all types of hair extensions, at Nurtur Salon + Spa we use the JZStyles brand of hair extensions. These extensions require no heat, glue or adhesives, giving the most natural seamless look to creating length and fullness to your hair. Your hair is custom matched using multiple wefts to create beautiful dimensions. 

Are you ready to add length and volume to your real hair?

Make an appointment with one of our professionals at Nurtur Salon + Spa!


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